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Celaenaclystis telygeta Prout comb. n. 
Chloroclystis telygeta Prout, 1932c: 65.

Celaenaclystis telygeta
(x 1.33)

Diagnosis. See Celaenaclystis celaenacris Prout comb.n.

Taxonomic notes. The species was only known from females, but the facies and genitalia characters resemble those of telygeta, so it is tentatively combined with it. The apodemes of the second tergite are broad, short as in celaenacris. A male in colln Herbulot was seen too late for investigation. The hindwings lack rough scaling.

Figures 313 and 316 show the genitalia of E. delozona Prout and Celaenaclystis telygeta Prout, both from specimens taken at Kundusan on the south of G. Kinabalu. Those of E. delozona confirm close relationships to the Himalayan E. biviridata Warren,  with only minor differences evident in the curvature of the valve margin, the apex being more rounded in delozona. Those of telygeta are much less strongly modified than in the type species, C. celaenacris Prout, but have a comparable, broad, square saccus. There are homologies also in the structure of the uncus/tegumen complex that support the congeneric status of the two species.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The two female specimens were from about 1500m on G. Kinabalu and from about 1000m on the Poi range of Sarawak. The male is from 1200m at Kundasang on the slopes of Kinabalu.

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