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Narosa silati sp. n.

Narosa silati (holotype)

8mm. The wings are creamy white, suffused with rosy pink as illustrated, most heavily in the curved postmedial and anterior to the oblique white fleck. In the male genitalia the central process of the valve is much larger than the saccular lobe and dorsally thickly scobinate; the costal process is short, straight, suberect; the ventral process of the aedeagus extends almost to the apex and is slender, sinuous, bearing basally directed setae on its exterior surface.

. SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. (J.D. Holloway et al.) BM 1978-206, Site 25, April, G. Api, 900m, 427550, lower montane forest, BM limacodid slide 388.

Paratype. l as holotype, BM limacodid slide 797.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Both specimens were taken in lower montane forest on limestone.

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