dulciculoides sp. n.

Cyclosiella dulciculoides
(x 1.56) |

6-7mm. The facies is similar to that of dulcicula,
the reddish grey forewing being edged with dull yellow from the base along
the costa and round the distal margin, but this edging is slightly broader in
the new species. The hindwings are pale yellow with a variably expressed grey
border rather than being entirely grey. The genitalia are more robust than in dulcicula,
the uncus broader, the tegumen with distinct and complex ‘shoulders’.
The valves are more parallel-sided, with a prominent fringe of hairs for almost
their whole length.
Holotype .
15m, Daerah Belait, swamp forest, 25 Feb. 82 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen), BM
arctiid slide 5035.
Paratypes: 1
as holotype but 26 Feb.; 1 (slide 4781)
SABAH: Poring, 1800ft., E. of Mt. Kinabalu, 20-23.i. 1976 (E. W. Classey); 1 MALAYSIA:
Sabah, Danum Valley,
170m, 4º58’N, 117º48’E (S.J. Willott), 2º understorey 21, Bkt.
Atur Rd., DVFC, 20.iv.94.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. All
material is from lowland forest, including swamp forest.
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