Sagamora Kiriakoff
Sagamora indigofera sp. n.

Sagamora indigofera


16-17 mm. The forewings are a medium blackish brown with darker
fasciation of black tinged with indigo; the indigo appears to be lacking in the
only congener, the Sumatran umbrina Kiriakoff. The double post-medial
has lines of equal darkness, rather than the exterior one being fainter;
similarly the double antemedial is of more even intensity; the four submarginal
indigo spots are in the same spaces as in umbrina but double and without
an even submarginal row of dashes distad. In the male genitalia the uncus is
very much broader and the basal triangular processes and apical flange of the
valve are also diagnostic.
Holotype .BRUNEI: 1670 m, Bukit Pagon,
montane forest, Feb 1982 (Allen & Harman).
Paratypes.1 as holotype;
Seria, secondary and coastal vegetation. 1978 (Lt.
Col. M.G. Allen); 7 SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park,
R.G.S. Exped, 1977--8 (J.D.
Holloway et al.) BM 1978-206, various localities on G. Api and one from Long
Pala Site 16, BM notodontid slide 615.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species has been taken rarely from the lowlands
to the upper montane zone. Some preference for limestone was shown in the Mulu
survey, especially the lower montane forest where five specimens were taken.
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