Quadricalcarifera alleni sp. n.

25-26 mm,
 27 mm. In facies this species is very similar to nigribasalis
but has the blackish suffusion at the base of the forewing extending further
distally and also more evenly towards the costa; the postmedial runs closer to
the reniform and is straight rather than sinuous over the anterior half; the
thin black submarginal is stepped rather than more or less continuous. The
subapical bars on the hindwing are more pronounced and meet the costa roughly at
right angles rather than obliquely.
In the male genitalia the valve is simply curved, acute apically, rather
than irregularly shaped; the gnathus is only half the size of that of nigribasalis;
the aedeagus is shorter with a scobinate band over the distal half. The male
eighth tergite is distally entire rather than bilobed, and the centre of the
sternite margin is slightly convex rather than with a prominent central process.
Holotype .
BRUNEI: 1618 m, Bukit
montane forest, 14.9.79 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen) BM notodontid slide 1027.
Paratypes.3 ,
1 as holotype; 1 (Power Station, notodontid slide 454),
1 (Park H.Q.,
notodontid slide 466), SABAH: Mt. Kinabalu, Cambridge Expedition to Mt. Kinabalu
1965 (H. J. Banks, H. S. Barlow & J. D. Holloway).
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species has only been taken in upper montane
forest on Bukit Retak and G. Kinabalu.
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