Giganteopalpus mirabilis Rothschild
mirabilis Rothschild, 1894, Dt. ent. Z. Iris., 7: 300.
Giganteopalpus mirabilis Rothschild; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903:

Giganteopalpus mirabilis 
natural size)
Diagnosis. This species resembles E. shelfordi in shape and general
but is distinguished by the more elongate creamy white discal spot on the
forewing and the subapical and medial pale brown patches at the costa. The
subapical arc is much larger. There is a double antemedial that also
encloses a band of paler brown.
Geographical range. Sundaland.
Habitat preference. One specimen was taken at 1618m on Bukit Retak, Brunei
(Harman,1981) but
most material over the range of the species has been taken in lowland
localities. Only one other Bornean specimen has been seen.
Biology. Dupont & Roepke (1941)
to a manuscript description for the larva as light green marked only with
a white subdorsal streak over the thoracic segments. The horn is very
long, straight, colourless at the base, green with black granules
A host family may be Araceae.
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