Pseudojana perspicuifascia Rothschild
Pseudojana perspicuifascia Rothschild, 1917, Novit zool., 24: 487,

Pseudojana perspicuifascia 
natural size)

Diagnosis. Both this and the next species have dark red to purplish red ground
colour to the wings, the forewings marked with a series of transverse, more or
less straight fasciae. The two species are distinguished in the description of
obscura sp. n. below.
Taxonomic notes. It has not been possible to examine the taxon P. clemensi
Schultze from Mindanao, Philippines. This may prove to be a senior synonym of
perspicuifascia if not distinct.
Geographical range. Sundaland; Nias (ssp. niassana Rothschild).
Habitat preference. The species is infrequent in lowland rainforest.
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