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Cossedia Walker

Type species: erateinalis Walker, Borneo.

This genus has, in some of its species, a forewing facies similar to that of Chandica. In others the wings are a paler primrose yellow with more irregular, paler red markings. The forewing venation differs from that of the preceding genera except Chandica in its radial sector branching system: ((R3, R4) R5). The hindwing is produced in males into a tail, often acute, where M3 and CuA1, basally stalked, reach the margin, and there may also be a dorsal lobe with scent scales. There is a longitudinal zone of carinae, presumably a tymbal structure, between the cell and the first vein of the anal area (Fig 393; Holloway, 1998). In females the hindwing is more simply and less prominently tailed.


The male abdomen lacks tymbal structures; the eighth segment sclerites have small, rather triangular apodemes. The genitalia have a short uncus but a distinct saccus. The valves are ovate, relatively small, with an extensive black hair pencil or brush interiorly at the base. The dorsal half of each valve has oblique rows of dark, peg-like setae as in the previous two genera but these are more untidily arranged and extend the length of the valve. The ventral half has a sparse array of dorsally directed longer setae. The aedeagus vesica contains a single cornutus.

The female has a narrow ductus and a small bursa within which there is a large, elongate, but irregular patch of small spines.

The genus is restricted to the Oriental tropics and has its greatest diversity in Sundaland.

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