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Raphiscopa egnasidoides sp. n.

Raphiscopa egnasidoides
Figure 101

14mm, 12mm. The facies of this species is similar to that of Egnasides rudmuna Swinhoe except the antennae are strongly fasciculate rather than bipectinate, and the forewings are not so rounded apically. The coloration is buff rather than a slightly pinkish grey-brown, and the pale discal mark is transverse rather than oblique. The dark shading basal to the submarginal just subapically is similar to that in rudmuna. The hindwings have an even double fasciation rather than the more irregular marking of rudmuna. The male genitalia are typical of Raphiscopa, but also resemble those of rudmuna, particularly the valves which taper to an acute apex but have a sacculus that has a shallowly domed interior margin and terminates in a small process at two-thirds; this is also seen in undulata if the valves are fully spread laterally on the slide (slide 16639, rather than that in Fig 104). However, the aedeagus vesica of egnasidoides has several large spines around the distal scobinate lobe, with those above and below the lobe that could be classed as cornuti; these are not seen in rudmuna or undulata.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 27, April, G. Api, 1500m, Pandanus Camp, 429541, scrub, Pandanus, BM noctuid slide 19402.

Paratype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 15, February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane for.

Taxonomic note. Holloway (2006: 441-2) suggested that Egnasides Hampson could be a herminiine genus. The features discussed accord with the definition of the subfamily and place the genus close to Bertula and Raphiscopa; E. rudmuna has a small orbicular stigma on the hindwing underside, and the male foreleg has a spur at the apex of the first tarsal segment opposite a typical herminiine sheath. It is therefore formally transferred to the Herminiinae, comb. n.; Raphiscopa has priority over Egnasides.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Both specimens are from natural montane vegetation.

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