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Hydrillodes moloalis Walker
     Bocana moloalis Walker, 1859, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 19: 887.

Hydrillodes minor,/i> Prout, 1928, Sarawak Mus. J., 3: 487.


Hydrillodes moloalis

Hydrillodes moloalis
Figure 179
Figure 198

This species is intermediate in character between the group just treated and the next, in that it has females resembling those of lentalis and hemusalis with a rufous medial zone to the forewing, and males with a prominent blister on the forewing costa as in the next group. However, the female medial area is narrower, more basal and obliquely (rather than transversely), bounded by the antemedial. The males are very much smaller than any of the next group, with very slender upcurved labial palps, the third segment tapering, and more or less straight. The male fore-tibia is tufted as in the previous pair but not in the next group. The male genitalia have the dorsal arm of the valve slender, but the ventral one is much broader, tongue-like, with a subsidiary triangular process at the apex. The aedeagus is as in the next group, the apex broadened and bearing three spines, with the vesica having two further spines basally, the more dorsal one set on a basal plate that bears further small spines. In the female, the ostium is flanked by two slender, posteriorly directed spines. The ductus bursae is broad as in the second group.

Taxonomic note. See Owada (1992) for a review of this species and illustration of type material.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra.

Habitat preference. The species is common from the lowlands to the lower montane zone at about 1000m.

Biology. A species tentatively identified as moloalis (minor) was reared from Dryobalanops (Dipterocarpaceae) fruit in Sabah (unpublished IIE records; Robinson et al., 2001).

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