umbrosa sp. n.
 18-20mm. The subapical pale area of the forewing is darker and
browner than in moorei, and the orbicular stigma is also obscured rather than
conspicuous. The male genitalia show bilateral symmetry in the central processes
of the valve, rather than asymmetry in the more basal saccular one as in moorei,
and there is an additional, long, outcurved process beneath the more distal
saccular one that extends out, tapering, to protrude just beyond the ventral
margin. Whereas in moorei,
the costal and ventral margins of the valve are evenly convex, with the
curvature of the costal margin only slightly stronger, in umbrosa the
costal margin is most strongly curved subbasally, and the ventral margin is only
very shallowly curved and slightly sinuous.

(holotype) |
. BRUNEI: 75m, Labi, Feb’ 82 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen); BM noctuid slide 18821.
. SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D.Holloway et al.),
Site 20, March, W. Melinau Gorge, 150m, 422577, FEG 3, kerangas, BM noctuid
slide 10750.
range. Borneo, Sumatra.
preference. The type material is from lowland forest. There is also a worn
female that is probably umbrosa, taken in dipterocarp forest at 250m on
the lower slopes of the limestone G. Api.
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