defixa Walker
comb. rev.
defixa Walker,
1862, J.
Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 6: 188.

defixa |
The wings are of a uniform medium brown, the forewing rather triangular, marked
with blackish: a ring around the reniform, slightly more intense basally; a
faint, angled, punctate postmedial; flecks antemedially and just basal to
postmedially on the costa; small, shallow triangles in the spaces on the distal
range. Borneo,
Thailand (VK).
preference. During the Mulu survey, the species was found to be frequent up
to 1000m, more so on the limestone G. Api in both lowland forest and in lower
montane forest at 900m. One specimen was taken in lowland forest at 300m in the
Ulu Temburong of Brunei, and a small series has been taken in an area of logged
forest and in a clearing at the edge of primary forest at 100m in the vicinity
of the Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah.
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