disjungens Walker (Plate 11, Figs 294, 299)
disjungens Walker,
1858, List
Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 15: 1861.


and taxonomic note. This is a generally greyish species externally similar to the
N. Indian U. decisa Walker,
but slightly larger; the latter is represented in BMNH only by the holotype male
and, if correctly associated as a synonym, the holotype female of simplex
Walker (see below and p. 187). The
hindwing margin is more distinctly angled at CuA2. The male antennae are
relatively longer, reaching almost to where the postmedial meets the costa. The
submarginals usually have more obvious paler edging basad, and the forewing has
an inner pale component that angles sharply basad subcostally. There is also a
more obvious darker transverse diffuse antemedial on the forewing, associated
with a dark orbicular dot just distad. See also the next species. In the male
genitalia, the saccular process of the valve is tapering, apically hooked as in
other Bornean species and U. purpurea Galsworthy (Hong Kong; this has a
purplish tinge, the forewing antemedial slightly more basal and not associated
with an orbicular dot, but otherwise very similar), whereas it is apically
straight and truncated in decisa.
The aedeagus is narrower in all these also, with a relatively small vesica,
whereas in decisa
is twice as broad, the vesica large, more or less globular, with extensive
scobination. See comments on confusion of Iluza decisa Walker
(discussed above) and Thermesia decisa Walkerin Galsworthy (1997) and p. 187.
range. Borneo.
preference. Most records are from lowland forest, but specimens have also
been taken up to 1000m.
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