replicans Walker
Ancara replicans Walker, 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus., 15:


replicans |
One form of
this species and the next species are very similar and can only reliably be told
apart on male genitalia characters, though the third segment of the labial palps
in replicans is nearer half the length of the second segment, and nearer
one third in obliterans. The other form of replicans has the
reniform, postmedial and submarginal distinctively picked out in yellow brown.
Both species have a form with a white patch centrally, subdorsally, and obliterans
has a form with a large subapical rufous patch. In the male genitalia replicans
has the valve narrower, curved, apically rounded rather than angular; the
juxta is broad, bilobed; the aedeagus vesica has an ovate sclerotisation with a
central spine ringed with smaller ones. The coremata on sternite 8 are larger in
range. Borneo,
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra.
preference. The
species is rarer than the next but occurs over the same altitude range in
lowland to upper montane forest.
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