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Astygisa metaspila Walker comb. rev.
Astygisa metaspila Walker, 1864, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.), 7:193.

Astygisa metaspila

The conspicuous pale yellow discal spot of the hindwing distinguishes this species. Forms of Astygisa waterstradti sp. n. with a large discal spot on the hindwing have this white and accompanied by a white-clouded area at the centre of the hindwing margin.

Taxonomic notes. Dr. D. Stüning (in litt.) advises me that the Sumatran taxon subaurata Prout, with chrome yellow on the hindwing below, described as a subspecies of metaspila, represents a distinct species and flies with typical metaspila in Sumatra.

Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra.

Habitat preference. This appears to be a rare species of lowland forest.

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