simplaria cucullata ssp. n.
Ectropis simplaria Swinhoe, 1894, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond.,
1894: 221.
Myrioblephara submarginata
Warren, 1906, Novit. zool., 13: 144.
Ectopis boarmioides
Rothschild, 1915, Novit. zool., 22: 216.
Ectropis simplaria tranostigma Prout, 1931, Novit. zool.,
36: 32.
Ectropis simplaria meseres Prout, 1935, Novit. zool., 39:
Myrioblephara flexilinea Warren
sensu Holloway, 1976: 82.

simplaria cucullata

(paratype) |

10-13mm. This race is externally very similar to other races, but is
distinguished by two features of the male genitalia: the cucullus is strongly
broadened at the apex; the saccular process is strongly curved distally within
an arcuate sheath. Other races have the cucullar part of the valve costa no
wider than the rest of the costa, and the saccular process is usually only
slightly curved apically. The typical race is Himalayan, ssp. meseres Prout
is from Java. ssp. tranostigma Prout from the Philippines, ssp. boarmioides
Rothschild from Seram and ssp. submarginata Warren from New Guinea.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et
a!.) Site 5, January, Camp 4, Mulu, 1780m, 451463 [upper montane
forest], BM geometrid slide 13218.
Paratypes: 6 (slide 16403), 5 (slide 16359) as holotype or sites
1, 2 or 3; 1 general data as holotype but Site 25, April, G.
Api, 900m 427550,
lower montane forest; 1
SABAH: Kundasan 1050m, Cambridge Expedition to Mt.
Kinabalu 1965 (H.J. Banks, H.S. Barlow & J.D. Holloway) Brit. Mus.
1968-186, BM geometrid slide 9269; 5 SABAH: Mt.
Kinabalu, Park H.Q.
1620m, Cambridge Expedition as above.
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Sundaland, Philippines, Sulawesi, S.
Moluccas, New Guinea.
Habitat preference. This is a common species of upper montane forest,
with its greatest abundance between 1500m and 2000m.
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