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Zythos Fletcher

Type species: turbata Walker.

Synonym: Nobilia Walker (type species turbata) praeocc.

This genus was reviewed by Prout (1932b) under the preoccupied name (Fletcher, 1979) Nobilia. It contains robust species of variable facies but always with fine transverse striations in extensive areas of the wings. The forewing discal mark is often lunulate. The underside is uniform ochreous in many species, particularly those with more striking uppersides.

The male antennae are serrate with tufts of cilia, those of the female filiform. The male hind-legs are reduced, but have a strong tibial hair-pencil, and the first tarsal joint is densely tufted.

In the male abdomen the pouch on the second sternite is large. The eighth sternite is heavily sclerotised, with strong apodemes, distally asymmetric, but without cerata. The genitalia are also heavily sclerotised, elongate, with socii prominent, or reduced to protruberances from the tegumen.

In the female the sterigma is sclerotised, complex, the signum elongated with a band, but with the spines still separated apart from a narrow band along the axis.

The genus ranges from India to New Guinea, with eleven species, four of which occur in Borneo, with two new Philippines species recently described by Yazaki (1996b). Nothing is known of the early stages but the adults occur predominantly in the understorey of lowland rainforest and were taken in carrion-baited pitfall traps by Dr I. Hanski during the Mulu survey. Chey (1994) recorded the three commoner Bornean species frequently in secondary forest also.

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