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Apostegania Prout

Type species: crina Swinhoe, Khasia Hills.

Both species in this genus are pale fawn with straight fasciae of a darker brown. Discal spots are lacking. The male of the Sundanian species, but not the type species, has a long crest of scales on the hind legs (Fig 162) that runs from the distal end of the tibia to the apex of the first tarsal segment, and there is also a tibial hair-pencil: one of the pair tibial spurs is flattened. The antennae are invested with long cilia.

In the male abdomen the second sternite is rugose, more strongly so in the Sundanian species where it forms a shallow pocket. The genitalia are typically rhodostrophiine, the valves simple, small, triangular. The uncus is simple, only sparsely setose in crina, but more strongly setose and with lateral flanges in the Sundanian species. The gnathus is weak.

In the female (crina) the ovipositor lobes form a short, conical tube, slightly setose. The sterigma is unmodified, the ductus long, narrow, more strongly sclerotised towards its junction with the spherical bursa. The bursa is very lightly scobinate throughout, but has a central signum: a somewhat triangular, rugose, more strongly sclerotised depression.

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