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Gymnoscelis derogata Walker
Eupithecia derogata Walker, 1866, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 35: 1676.
Gymnoscelis subrufata Warren, 1898, Novit. zool., 5: 24, syn. n.
Gymnoscelis derogata sspp. abrogata Prout, griseifusa Prout, 1958, Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist.
(Ent.), 6: 442-3.

Gymnoscelis derogata
(Penang) (x 1.47)

Diagnosis. The species is a richer brown than most other Bornean congeners. The postmedials are irregularly biangular, the angles rather rounded. There is a distinctive zone of darker brown antemedially on the forewing.

Taxonomic notes. The genitalia of subrufata (Queensland) are similar to those of typical derogata from Borneo, and probably the taxon is synonymous with ssp. abrogata from New Guinea. The aedeagus in the holotype of subrufata has three cornuti in the vesica. The ductus in the holotype female of abrogata is more sclerotised, longer and the bursa itself extensively spined, particularly basally. Unusual features distinguishing the species are: well-developed octavals enclosing crinkled zones on either side of a central thickening; a very short saccus; a pair of fans of spines flanking the ostium bursae; a pair of pockets on the female seventh sternite, presumably to engage the octavals. The unique holotype female of ssp. griseifusa has genitalia as in Bornean specimens, and hence is doubtfully distinct from the typical race.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, N.E. Himalaya; Sulawesi (ssp. griseifusa); New Guinea (ssp. abrogata); Queensland (ssp. subrufata).

Habitat preference. A single specimen has been taken at 1700m on Bukit Pagon in Brunei. The original material was probably taken in the lowlands.

Biology. Zhang (1994) noted a record of subrufata feeding on Macadamia (Proteaceae) in Queensland.

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