penataran sp. n.
Chloroclystis plicata
Hampson sensu Prout, 1932c: 64.
Chloroclystis turgidata
Walker; Holloway, 1976: 69
9mm,  7-10mm. The ground colour of the wings is pale orange-brown, the
fasciation blackish. The marginal spot of the hindwing is prominent, whitish.
The costa of the male is strongly angled at one fifth, more so than in subcostalis.
Distal to this it is folded up and then back over the upper surface of the
wing. The male genitalia have the uncus extending beyond the produced tegumen.
The lower arm of the valve is larger than the upper one, apically squared with a
hook from the ventral angle. In the female the ductus is very long, ribbon-like,
attached to the pyriform bursa at one third from its base. The ostium lacks the
spines of subcostalis but is more generally scobinate.
Holotype .
SABAH: Mt Kinabalu,
Kamborangoh, 2110m, Cambridge Expedition to Mt Kinabalu 1965 (H.J. Banks,
H.S. Barlow & J.D. Holloway) BM geometrid slide 9081.
Paratypes: 4
(slides 18948, 18949) general data as holotype but from Kiau Gap, Power
Station, Kamborangoh and Radio Sabah sites as listed by Holloway (1976) (spread
material only listed); 1 Mt Kinabalu, Lumu Lumu, 5500ft. (H.M. Pendlebury).
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species has only been taken on G. Kinabalu where
it occurs from 1200m to 2600m, being most frequent at the 1930m Power Station
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