circummaculata Holloway comb. n.
Anisodes circummaculata Holloway, 1976: 64.

Diagnosis. The central parts of both wings are broadly medium dull brownish red,
restricting patches of pale yellow ground colour to the margins of both wings.
Taxonomic notes. The male valve structure and that of the uncus are as in Cyclophora, but
the bursa of the female has neither the invagination of Cyclophora nor
the scobination of subgenus Streptopteron. Placement of the species is
therefore tentative.
Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia.
Habitat preference. The original specimens were from 1930m on G. Kinabalu. Singletons have been taken on Bukit Retak (1618m) and Bukit Pagon
(1680m) in Brunei. All are from the upper montane forest zone.
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