Squamura disciplaga Swinhoe
Arbela disciplaga Swinhoe, 1901, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)7: 469.

Squamura disciplaga |

Squamura disciplaga
Diagnosis. The species is smaller and paler than the previous two, with a
diagnostic basal brown patch on the forewing.
Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Philippines.
Records from Tonkin (Roepke 1957) need confirmation.
Habitat preference. This is probably a species of the lowlands and may be
most frequently encountered in areas where arboreal crops are grown.
Biology. The larva has been recorded boring in the trunk of avocado (Persea,
Lauraceae) and on Citrus (Rutaceae) (CIE records).
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