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Zythos obliterata Warren
Nobilia obliterata Warren, 1897, Novit. zool., 4: 220.
Omiza simplaria Snellen, 1899, Tijdschr. Ent. 42: 43.

Zythos obliterata

Diagnosis. The wings are more or less uniform dull brownish pink, finely invested with pale striae. There is a dark discal spot on the hindwing. The underside is concolorous with the upperside, barely tinged ochreous.

Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.

Habitat preference. During the Mulu survey only four specimens were taken, all from lowland alluvial forest, but three of them at a site where such forest was regenerating on abandoned farmland. Of three specimens from Brunei, two are from cultivated areas with secondary forest, and one is from dry heath forest at Telisai. This and strigata were the commoner species in secondary forest recorded by Chey (1994). Z. molybdina Prout was noted from similar habitats in Seram (Holloway, 1993).

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