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Birthamoides junctura Walker 
Hyblaea junctura Walker, 1865, List Specimens lepid. Insects Br. Mus. 33:857.
Birthamoides junctura Walker; Hering 1931: 703; Holloway, 1976: 90.

Birthamoides junctura

This is a large dark red species with forewing fasciae in the same position as in Praesetora but diffuse, broad, with secondary fasciae parallel to the submarginal between it and the postmedial.

Geographical range. India, Burma, Andamans, Bali, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is rare in lowland forest.

Biology. The shape of the larva is described in the generic account. It is like a bluish green lump of fat, smooth, banded with a series of longitudinal white lines, and invested with numerous small blue spots. Pupation is between leaves or in a bark crevice in a hard, coarse, spherical cocoon, grey-white, with a strong suffusion of fuscous brown at each end.

The host-plant recorded by Bell was Mangifera (Anacardiaceae).

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