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Pelagodes Gen. n.

Type species: aucta Prout comb. & stat n., N.E. Himalaya.

This genus typically includes the Indo-Australian Thalassodes lacking red marginal markings (the fringes are often white or pale yellow), having clearly defined, straight, linear fasciae and bearing prominent sclerotised arms on the male eighth segment, and a spur extended to include a few other species groups of similar facies where there are different types of sclerotised processes on the eighth segment and valves of different shape and ornamentation. In the typical group also, the socii tend to be rather broad and the uncus flexed near the base in a ventral direction. Coremata are absent, and the saccus is normal, not cruciform. The dorsal margin of the juxta often is bicornute.

The females in most cases have the lamellae vaginales expanded into a broad pocket, sometimes containing sclerotised flanges, to receive the processes of the male eighth segment. Ductus and bursa are usually short and small, the signum bicornute when present.

As well as the species referred to in the specific accounts that follow, several other Indo-Australian species should be transferred to Pelagodes: P. antiquadraria Inoue comb. n. (Ryukyu Is.); P. flavifimbria Warren comb. n. (New Guinea); P. ogasawarensis Inoue comb. n
. (Ogasawara (Bonin) Is); P. proquadraria Inoue comb. n. (Ryukyu Is.); P. retusa Prout comb. n. (Seram); P. subquadraria Inoue comb. n. (Japan); P. veraria Guenée comb. n. (Java: male specimen slide 4098 identified by D.S. Fletcher, as the holotype is damaged). Diagnosis of new Bornean species reflect differences from all of these.

Ten species occur in Borneo, the first seven belonging to the typical group. The genus is also diverse in Sulawesi, many, if not all, the species being undescribed.

Biological data attributed to veraria or Thalassodes quadraria Guenée in the literature (e.g. Sevastopulo, 1941, 1942, 1945, Singh, 1953, Browne, 1968; Balciunas et al., 1993) may well refer to species in this complex. The larva is similar to that of Thalassodes, slender with a conically bifid vertex to the head. It is green, often with a dorsal stripe or blotches of crimson, purple or brown. Bell (MS) described the life history of a member of the typical group in S. India (slide 4138). The larva is slender with the head conically bifid, darkish green with a narrow yellow spiracular band, tinged rose below, and more obscure subdorsal and lateral paler bands. There are pinkish dorsal spots at the posterior margin of each segment.

Host-plants recorded are Calophyllum (Guttiferae), Chrysanthemum (Compositae), Mangifera (Anacardiaceae), Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) Polyalthia (Annonaceae), Rosa (Rosaceae), Schleichera (Sapindaceae), Trema (Ulmaceae) and Xylia (Leguminosae).

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