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Tridrepana albonotata Moore  
Drepana albonotata Moore, 1879, Desc. new Indian lepid. Insects Colln Atkinson, p. 83.
Callidrepana ochrea Butler, 1886, Illustr. typical. Specimens. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 6: 17.
Agnidra ferrea Hampson, 1892, Ibid. 9: 69.
Iridrepana septempunctata pervasata Warren, 1922, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 10: 465.
Iridrepana glaciata Warren, 1922, Ibid. 10: 467.
Tridrepana albonotata sspp. angusta, rotunda, celebesensis Watson, 1957: 439-441.

Tridrepana albonotata

Diagnosis. T. albonotata and T microcrocea Gaede are very similar, paler yellow than fulvata and with more general rufous shading. This is more extensive medially on the forewing in albonotata: microcrocea also has a dark patch of scales at the base of the forewing cell on the underside in the male and an elongate posterior cell spot on the upperside of the hindwing in both sexes that appears conspicuously darker than in albonotata. The yellow ground colour of albonotata is more intense.

Geographical range. India, Nepal, Vietnam; Sri Lanka (ssp. ferrea); Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (ssp. angusta); Java, Bali (ssp. rotunda); Sulawesi (ssp. celebesensis).

Habitat preference. The species is frequent to common in lowland forests, but has not been noted in heath forest types.

Biology. Bell (MS) has reared the species in S. India. The larva is velvety pale grey and dark brown in a variegated pattern, resembling a bird-dropping when lying along the midrib of a leaf or curled round on itself. There are paired fleshy tentacle- like processes subdorsally on T2, T3, A2 and A10, curled, and often held adpressed against the body. The suranal process is similar, pointing out and up behind, also curled towards the extremity. The processes are tinged yellow. The ventrum is blackish. The pupa has two slightly divergent cylindrical processes on the head directed anteriorly (illustrated for another species by Wang (1995)). Pupation is in a similar mode and position on the edge of a leaf to that of Callidrepana species (See Callidrepana Felder).

The host-plant was Schleichera (Sapindaceae).

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