Gogana bornormalis sp. n.

Gogana bornormalis

Gogana bornormalis
(paratype) |
 16-17mm. This is a larger species than abnormalis but
very similar in facies. Males have the dark zone at the forewing tornus broader,
and the patch of scent scales on the hindwing is tinged greyish rather than
being uniform cream. The female ground colour is paler, the fringes darker. In
the male abdomen the bifurcations of the eighth sternite are shorter, separated
by a rounded excavation rather than an acute notch. In the genitalia the saccus
is shorter than in abnormalis and the valves are narrower. In the females
of both species the bursa is constricted centrally but asymmetrically into basal
and distal lobes, the former containing a prominent, scobinate, spine-like
Holotype SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat.
Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 14,
February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, [lower montane forest], BM
drepanid slide 2115.
Paratypes: 1 (slide 2127) general data as holotype but Site 23, April, W. Melinau
Gorge, 250m, 430558 FEG 4, limestone forest; 1 , 1 S.E. BORNEO (Doherty)
May '91; 1 (slide 2126) Pulo
Laut, BORNEO (Doherty) June '91; 1
Dutch West BORNEO, 85 miles above Pontianak (Simons et Meligan) (Sanggan)
ex Janson, April 1909.
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