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Gogana Walker

Type species: specularis Walker.

Synonyms: Ametroptila Warren (type species semibrevis Warren) syn. n.; Liocrops Fletcher (replacement name for Phalacropsis Swinhoe, type species carnosa Swinhoe, India, praeocc.) syn. n.; Trotothyris Warren (type species abnormalis Warren) syn. n.

This broad concept of Gogana brings together a number of genera containing species with rather oblique, ligneous patterns that show marked sexual dimorphism with a variety of wing shapes, though the forewing is usually bifalcate or biangular. Despite this variety in facies, the species all share a number of features in the males.

They all have a tuft of androconial scales on the upper surface of the hindwing just distal to the discocellular cross-veins of the very short cell, bounded by M1 and M3 or extending to Rs and CuA1. In the females the cell is approximately twice as long. In the abdomen there are sometimes lateral coremata between the second and third segments. The eighth segment is moderately modified, the distal margin of the sternite bidentate, bifid or bilobed. In the genitalia the tegumen is narrow, the uncus slender, bifid. The gnathus is present, sometimes expanded apically but usually acute. The valves are rather tongue-like, with a pleat or fold in the centre of the ventral margin. The saccus is narrow, often digitate.

Whilst the male hindwing is generally small and rounded or triangular, that of the female is relatively larger and more variable in shape, produced or bidentate apically in some species, in others with the margin produced, angular centrally, often with the tornus broadly excavate. This diversity in female wing shape probably led to the description of the genus-group names brought into synonymy.

Several species have been reared by H. Steiner in Peninsular Malaysia, all from palms, as described below. The larvae are characterised by rings of slender, spined scoli on each segment reminiscent of those of Limacodidae, a family that is also associated with palm-feeding, though far from exclusively so.

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