ruptifascia Talbot comb. &
stat. n.
curviplaga ruptifascia Talbot, 1926, Sarawak Mus.
J., 3(2): 133.

Teulisna ruptifascia
1.30) |
Diagnosis and taxonomic
note. See the previous species.
Dissection of male genitalia showed this species to be distinct from curviplaga,
with a longer costal process to the valve, a broader hooked saccular process
that is only marginally serrate rather than generally scobinate, and an aedeagus
vesica lacking any cornuti on the diverticula.
range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. During
the Mulu survey the species was found to be common in upper montane forest at
1780-1790m on G. Mulu. A few specimens were taken at similar altitudes on Bukit
Pagon, Brunei, and on G. Kinabalu. The holotype was from about 2000m on G. Murud,
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