Stictane serrata sp.

Fig.9f: Stictane serrata sp. n. holotype |
possible 5-6mm. The antennae are bristly, serrate, but not distinctly
bipectinate. The
forewing medial line is variable in breadth and course. The spots of the
subbasal fascia are separate, but those of the submarginal may be joined by a
fine line such that the fascia appears entire. There is a single, strong,
central discal spot. The margins are lined by dark dashes. The genitalia have
the valve slender, slightly upcurved and apically rounded. The saccular process
ends in an elongate, sinuous spine that terminates just beyond two thirds the
length of the valve. The aedeagus vesica has a lobe with a single cornutus set
opposite a row of several more slender ones; it is similar in the next species
and bipunctulata, but both of these
have bipectinate male antennae, and the saccular spine in bipunctulata is much larger and more robust than in either. A
possible female has a rather more doubled medial fascia to the forewing. Its
genitalia have a long sclerotised ductus leading into a rather angularly
pyriform corpus bursae that has an extensive field of spicules distally and
laterally, and a rather foot-like, reflexed appendix bursae on one side. The
abdomen has double pockets between segments 6 and 7.
. SABAH: Poring, 1800ft, E. of Mt. Kinabalu, 20-23.i. 1976 (E.W.
BM arctiid slide 4914.
1 (slide
2666) SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.), Site 15, February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane f.;
1 (slide 2665) SARAWAK: same general data but Site 20, Mar.-Apr., W. Melinau
Gorge, 150m. 422577, FEG 3, kerangas.
material: 1
data as for second paratype; 1 (possible; slide 5194) BRUNEI: 3m,
secondary and coastal veg., 29.11.1979 (R.
range. Borneo.
preference. The
few male specimens were taken in lowland heath forest, dipterocarp forest at
about 600m and lower montane forest at 1000m.
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