Dendrophleps cretacea sp.

Dendrophleps cretacea
(paratype) |

24-26mm. This is a larger species than semihyalina
(20mm), but with generally similar facies. In both wings M2 and M3 have a
much shorter stalk (1mm or less) than in semihyalina, where the common
stalk is about 2mm long. The veins are darkened distally in the Bornean semihyalina
specimen but not so in cretacea or typical N.E. Himalayan semihyalina.
The antennae are blackish as in semihyalina but are relatively
slightly larger. The forelegs are orange, ringed narrowly with white at the
distal end of each tarsal segment as in semihyalina. In the male
genitalia, differences are slight, the apex of the right valve being slightly
extended and upcurved. In the abdomen, the tergites are more darkly sclerotised
than in semihyalina. Females are not known but might be expected to
resemble large Leucoma.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat.
Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 26, April, G. Api,
Pinnacles, 1200m, 428545, open scrub, BM lymantriid slide 2182.
Paratypes: 5
as holotype; 3 general data as holotype but Site 1, January,
Camp 4, Mulu, 1790m, 452463 [upper] montane (moss) forest.
Taxonomic note. A specimen in BMNH from Burn may also be cretacea, being of
similar size and wing venation.
Geographical range. Borneo, ?Buru.
Habitat preference. All material is from the upper montane forest zone.
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