Tensha Matsumura
Tensha postobscura sp. n.
 21-23 mm,  30 mm. The facies is as illustrated. The gradation of
reddish brown more darkly towards the dorsum is much more extensive than in the
only congener, T. striatella Matsumura (Taiwan). The hindwing is pale
brown instead of dark greyish brown. The curve to the forewing margin and dorsum
(which distinguishes the species from Bornean Ambadra) is more even, with
no trace of the tornal angle seen in some striatella specimens. The male
genitalia share the bizarre modification of the uncus that distinguishes striatella,
but differ in having the dorsal crest very broadly bifid rather than
slightly bifid, with a third spine just basal to the forked process; the
aedeagus has a diagnostic ventral ‘heel’; the pair of spines on the roundly
hexagonal eighth sternite extend further to its centre, are closer together and
are more heavily sclerotised.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.), BM 1978-206, site 2, January, Camp 4, Mulu, 1790 m, 452463 [Upper
montane forest, tall facies] BM notodontid slide 525.
Paratypes: 5 , 1
BRUNEI, Bukit Retak, 1618 m (Allen); 1 BRUNEI, Bukit Pagon,
1670 m (Allen).
Taxonomic note. The modification in uncus structure is seen also to a lesser extent in Hypambadra
Kiriakoff (Holloway 1982a), and there may be a case, therefore, for
uniting that genus with Tensha.
Geographical range. Borneo, ?Sumatra (Bender & Dierl (1977) recorded striatella).
Habitat preference. All records are from upper montane forest.
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