Stictogargetta lithosidia Hampson
comb. n.
lithosidia Hampson,
1895, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1895: 280.
lithosidia Hampson;
Kiriakoff 1968: 25.

Stictogargetta lithosidia

Diagnosis. The forewings are shorter, deeper, squarer and of a less rich brown than
those of Bornean Gargetta, with a thin, straight submarginal line and a
longitudinal black streak at the end of the forewing cell.
Taxonomic note. The male genitalia differ strikingly from those of typical Gargetta species
but resemble those of the type species of Stictogargetta Kiriakoff, albimacula
Hampson. The species is therefore transferred to that genus.
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat preference. Three were taken at 300 m in hill dipterocarp forest,
Ulu Temburong, Brunei; specimens from Bidi, Sarawak, and G. Kinabalu do not have
habitat data.
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