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Kunugia drakei sp. n.  

Kunugia drakei
(natural size)

Kunugia drakei
(Peninsular Malaysia)
(natural size)

male.gif (860 bytes)male.gif (860 bytes)20-22mm, 30mm. The male is blackish brown, the forewings with the anterior half darker in a semicircle. The female resembles that of the allied taxon, K. divaricata Moore comb. n. (N.E. Himalaya, China) illustrated by Lajonqui
ère (1978a): larger, with irregular, somewhat falcate forewing margins, a paler brown, and four darker fasciae, the outer ones arranged in a rough, oblique 'V' that encloses the two more weakly defined inner ones. In the female of drakei the zones between fasciae are rich rufous, the basal zone dull rufous, the rest brown; the outer element of the postmedial is more oblique than in drakei. The males of the two species and of K. magellani Lajonquière comb. n. (Mindanao) are not readily separable on external characters but the male genitalia indicate drakei to be closer to magellani with single, rather than bifid, valves and cubile arms. They differ from those of magellani in having the aedeagus deeper with a more falcate, obtuse apical spur, and shorter, broader, valves that are curved rather than straight.

Holotype male.gif (860 bytes)BRUNEI: 300m, Ulu Temburong, rainforest, 20 Feb. 1982 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen) BM lasiocampid slide 1026.

Paratypes: 2male.gif (860 bytes)male.gif (860 bytes)BRUNEI: 1618m Bukit Retak, montane forest, 1979 (Lt. Col M.G. Allen); 3male.gif (860 bytes)male.gif (860 bytes) SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Sites 14 (G. Mulu lower montane forest), 18 (alluvial forest) and 25 (G. Api lower montane forest); 1 S.E. BORNEO: Samarinda, xii. 1938 (M. E. Walsh).

Taxonomic notes. The placement of the three species referred to above in Kunugia is discussed in the generic account.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Palawan (referred to magellani by Lajonquière).

Habitat preference. The material listed has been taken in both lowland and lower montane forest (including that on limestone), more frequently in the latter. Two specimens have been taken in upper montane forest.

Biology. The only female, from the Cameron Highlands in Peninsular Malaysia, was reared from Cupressus (Cupressaceae). This host-plant is also given by Yunus & Ho (1980; as divaricata).

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