View Image Gallery of Family Lasiocampidae

Odontocraspis Swinhoe

Type species: hasora Swinhoe.

The hindwing humeral area is as in Fig. 3. The forewing apex
is narrowly bifalcate, with the margin crenulate from the apex to the mid-point. The hindwing is very deep, with the tornal angle somewhat produced. There are translucent subapical patches on the forewing and an orange discal spot surrounded by three white dots. The wings otherwise are dark brown, the forewings with darker irregular fasciae. The hindwings below have a diffuse pale band medially, reminiscent of that on some Hasora (Hesperiidae) species.

Figure 3. Hindwing venation of Lasiocampidae: left, most frequent South-east Asian configuration (paralebeda); top right, gastropachine configuration (Gastropacha leopoldi), with numerous humeral veins anterior to Sc, and a major additional cell between Sc and Rs; bottom right, Syrastrena, with rather basal humeral veins, otherwise similar to Paralebeda.

The antennae of the male are bipectinate to the apex, slightly more broadly so over the central part of the antenna. Females are not known.

The male genitalia have a striking rectangular tegumen with acute processes at each corner. The valve has a bifid process dorsal to a lobe, and the cubile is moderately developed into splayed arms.

The genus is monotypic.

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