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Manoba marshalli sp. n.


Manoba marshalli

8-9mm. The forewing facies in this and the next five species is characterised by a straight, transverse dark bar medially, its distal edge running from the point where the antemedial meets the costa to that where the postmedial meets the dorsum; the course of this bar is more irregular in
argentalis and allies. In marshalli the bar is relatively narrow, particularly centrally. All species with this facies feature are more brown-tinged than in the next group and are best distinguished on male genitalic characters. In marshalli the valve is strongly curved upwards and apically truncated. The harpe is digitate, also flexed upwards. The aedeagus has a triangular flange apically, and the vesica is globular, without ornamentation.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D.Holloway et al.), Site 2, January, Camp 4, Mulu, 1790m. 452463 [upper] montane (moss) forest, BM noctuid slide 17448.

Paratypes (all general data as holotype): 5 (slides 17270, 17353, 17358, 17437, 17438) Site 26, April, G. Api Pinnacles, 1200m. 428545, open scrub; 1 (slide 17361) Site 27, April, G. Api, 1500m., Pandanus Camp, 429541, scrub, Pandanus. There are further undissected specimens from these localities that are not included.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. All material is from upper montane forest, mostly on limestone.

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