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Xenochroa fuscosa Prout
fuscosa Prout, 1928, Sarawak Mus. J., 3: 497.


Xenochroa fuscosa

The forewings are deep brick red and traversed by irregular but approximately parallel and slightly oblique, faintly blackish antemedial and postmedial fasciae; the former expands basad and the latter distad slightly centrally to form a bulge in the medial area. There is a faint discal spot. The hindwings are a similar shade to the forewings but more brown. The male genitalia have a rather globular vesica to the aedeagus, with a cluster of spines dorsally, adjacent to the base of the ductus ejaculatorius. See also the diagnoses of the species following, up to the unidentified specimens.

Taxonomic note. The specimen illustrated as fuscosa by Kobes (1997) appears to be the same as the unnamed taxon with more vinous facies and identified by slide 10695. The specimen he illustrated as X.
curtisi Warren (Plate V: 173) resembles fuscosa more closely. Also, the Lebong Tandai specimens included as paratypes of X. bironga Kobes proved on dissection to be fuscosa. Typical curtisi (Peninsular Malaysia (Penang); slide 17935) is a Calymera, comb. n.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra.

Habitat preference. The species is found in various lowland forest types, and was particularly frequent in dry heath forest at Telisai in Brunei. Two specimens were taken in lower montane forest at 900m on the limestone G. Api. The type series is from Mt. Matang in Sarawak.

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