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Plagiograpta Hampson

Type species: macrodonta Hampson, India.

With narrow wings and elongate male abdomen, this genus resembles the previous two. However, the forewing venation lacks an areole, the radial sector branching being (R2 (R3, R4)). In the hindwing, M3 and CuA1 are stalked. The wings are a dark ashy grey, with white highlights and other variegation on the forewing, the pattern tending to be as much longitudinal as transverse.

In the male abdomen there are no definite tymbals, but there is a lobed structure exterior to the apodemes of the basal sternite, also in the female. The eighth segment is somewhat elongate, and also both sclerites have extremely long, slender apodemes (Fig 445). The uncus, gnathus, scaphial structure and tegumen are as in the previous two genera except the scaphium is supported on each side of the uncus by broad, socius-like structures, the swollen ventral part of the tegumen on each side bearing long, hair-like setae on patches similar to those of Tathothripa. The centre of the valve costal margin has a distinctive field of minute, peg-like setae. The aedeagus is long and slender, supported by a blade-like sheath, an extension posteriorly from the saccular shield.


In the female, the ductus bursae is similarly long and slender. The bursa is irregularly triangular in shape, lightly scobinate or pitted throughout but without a signum.

Although Gardner (1948a) assigned the larvae of Labanda and Plagiograpta to widely different groups in his system, some of the features of the head and chaetotaxy are shared: a narrow frons, higher than wide; ocelli 1 and 2 close or contiguous; SD1 on A8 is almost vertically above the spiracle.

The few species are Oriental to Australasian, treated here or by Kobes (Heterocera Sumatrana, 2: 157-158).

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