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Feathalina caudata sp. n.

Feathalina caudata
Figure 495

9mm. The forewing facies is very similar to that of plumosa, having a strong discal spot and sparsely and finely punctate postmedial and antemedial fasciae, the former angled around the discal spot, but both only faintly evident, consisting of no more than a few scales except on the costal margin. There are four further dark marks more distally on the costa. The distal margin has dark brown marks in the spaces, these being more prominent and triangular in caudata. Both species have pale yellow hair-pencils around the forewing dorsum, made more prominent by a dark grey suffusion around the tornus, but this suffusion is more restricted in caudata, and the dorsum is produced acutely into a slight tail. Between this tail and the anterior angle of the hindwing, the margin is convex in plumosa and concave in caudata. On the hindwing underside there is a blackish submarginal line that is absent in plumosa. The male genitalia of the two species are similar, except the valves and tegumen are slightly longer in caudata, and the aedeagus and vesica are larger, the latter being more heavily ornamented, including two densely spined diverticula and a field of longer spines on the main body.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 25, April, G. Api, 900m. 427550, lower montane forest, BM noctuid slide 20132.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only specimen was taken in lower montane forest on limestone.

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