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Harita rectilinea Moore
     Harita rectilinea Moore, 1882, Descr. new Indian lepid. Insects Colln W.S. Atkinson: 2: 187.
    Hypena ferrealis Hampson, 1893, Illustr. Typical Specimens Lepid. Het. Colln. Br. Mus., 9: 29, 119.

Harita rectilinea
Figure 402

This species has facies similar to some Hypena. It is a uniform dark grey with a straight, transverse, dark postmedial, outside which is an irregular submarginal row of dark spots, some or, more rarely, all of which may have white elements. The male genitalia distinguish the species from similar Hypena, as indicated in the generic account.

Taxonomic note. The valves in the only Bornean specimen are narrower and more parallel-sided than in specimens from the Indian Subregion.

Geographical range. Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra (Lödl, 1999e), Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen seen, a male, was taken during the Mulu survey at 250m in dipterocarp forest on the lower slopes of the limestone G. Api.

Biology. The larva in India was described by Bell (MS). The shape of the larva is as in the previous genus and the next. The prolegs on A3 are absent, those on A4 slightly smaller than the rest. The head is light orange, the setae black on black chalazae, and the clypeus is striped black. The body is light green, the prolegs yellow, the spiracles dark. There is dark suffusion over the abdominal segments. The posterior margin of each segment from A3 backwards is white, tinged yellow dorsolaterally. The setae are on black chalazae.

The larva sits on the stalk or edge of a leaf, full-stretched or looped. Pupation is in a loose cell of silk incorporating detritus.

The host plant recorded was Combretum (Combretaceae).

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