View Image Gallery of Subfamily Herminiinae

Bertula gollum sp. n.

Bertula gollum
Figure 64

16mm. The specimen is worn, the wings generally darkish brown, the forewing with a darker discal mark. The antennae are as in alpheusalis, but the labial palps are distinctive, finger-like, the second and third segments equally long and slender, straight, set at a shallow obtuse angle with the apex of the third reaching the rear of the thorax. There is a slight scale tuft at the base of the second. The forelegs are not conspicuously modified. The male genitalia have the uncus strongly flexed subbasally, the longer distal part being gently upcurved. The valves are simple, narrow, tapering, without angles or processes. The juxta is elongate, rather ovate, finely rugose. The aedeagus has no spining, and the vesica, though similar to that of the previous species, is only weakly scobinated.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 22, April, W. Melinau Gorge, 150m. 421578, wet kerangas, BM noctuid slide 19498.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only specimen was taken in wet heath forest on a lowland river terrace.

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