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Bertula partita Hampson
     Bertula partita Hampson, 1891, Illustr. typical Specimens Lepid. Het. Colln. Br. Mus., 8: 25, 99.

Bertula leucopis Hampson, 1925, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 15: 410, syn. n.

Bertula partita
Figure 92
Figure 130

This species is larger than insignifica and more of a violet grey, but the markings are similar in obscurity and general position. The forewing postmedial is slightly more oblique, and the reniform has a conspicuous dark brown crescent adjacent to it basally, more as in micealis.

Taxonomic note. The two taxa brought into synonymy have generally similar facies and male genitalia, but there is some variability in the intensity of the reniform and the course of the forewing postmedial which can be more sinuous than in the specimen illustrated. The male genitalia have rather small, tapering, acute valves (the apex varying from rounded to acute) with a slight projection of the sacculus apex on the ventral margin at two-thirds. There is also an obtuse angle to the costal margin subbasally. The vesica of the aedeagus is globular with two small triangular diverticula ventrally and a large, slender cornutus (more rarely two cornuti) distally, a feature only seen otherwise amongst Bornean species in B. mesilau where it is ventral, and in B. microdepressalis. The female genitalia are also unusual in having a spine forming a central signum in the corpus bursae. The corpus bursae is relatively narrow and symmetrical, and the ductus bursae is broad and strongly sclerotised. In insignifica the ductus is much larger, narrower, and unsclerotised. The corpus bursae is also longer and broader, asymmetric, and without a definite signum. B. atrirena Hampson (Philippines) is similar in facies but with the forewing more strongly marked and variegated. The hindwing of atrirena has a distinctly paler basal zone, and there is a fine, whitish submarginal in the form of a shallow ‘W’ in the dark border at the dorsum.

Geographical range. Indian Subregion, China, Borneo, Bali, Sulawesi.

Habitat preference. Material is limited, taken mostly in areas with disturbed forest, and cultivation from the lowlands to 1200m.

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