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Bertula lobativalva sp. n.

Bertula lobativalva
Figure 58

13-14mm. This and the next two species have the basal and distal parts of the forewing a much darker brown in the male, and to some extent in the female. The male has the postmedial border of the paler medial zone oblique, and distinctly stepped centrally; this is less evident in the female. The anterior oblique portion has a somewhat quadrate extension distad over much of its length (see also the next species). The reniform is a relatively neat chevron compared to that in the next species, but this feature is variable. The male genitalia have deep valves as in momusalis, with slight bilateral asymmetry, this being more evident in the more extensive lobes to the ventral margin that are naturally scrolled round, but appear distinctly different in size (the right lobe is larger, more angular) when opened out. The processes at centre of the ventral margin are more equal in size, both small. The species lacks the larger teeth in the aedeagus vesica of momusalis, and also the appendage to the uncus. The females of momusalis and this species have the ductus bursae sclerotised and slightly fluted, the fluting twisted. The corpus bursae is narrow, the sclerotised ridge more or less transverse at two thirds,with fine scobination both basal and distal to it. The coil at the base of the ductus seminalis is more or less at one third.

Holotype . Bidi, SARAWAK, 1907-1908 (C.J. Brooks), BM noctuid slide 19737.

Paratypes: 1 (slide 19735) SARAWAK [typed label]; 1 (slide 19729) SARAWAK, Borneo, Zanglognatha moloalis Walker type Swinhoe; 1 (slide 19913) BRUNEI: 15m, Daerah Belait, swamp forest, 20.12.1979 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen).

Taxonomic note. The labelling of a paratype by Swinhoe as a male type of moloalis (see p. 79) is invalid and based on a misidentification. A possible further species in this group with facies as in lobativalva occurs in Peninsular Malaysia. The male (slide 19740) has genitalia similar to those of lobativalva except the valves are shorter, with a slightly concave section between the acute apex and an obtuse angle at the distal end of the costa. In the female (slide 19741), the genitalia are similar to those of momusalis, but the ductus seminalis is closer to the transverse ridge, and there is no immaculate sclerotised patch between the two (present in momusalis and lobativalva). More material is needed to confirm the status of this taxon.

Geographical range. Borneo, Singapore (slide 19721), Sumatra (slide 19739).

Habitat preference. All material is from lowland localities, some with extensive disturbance.

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