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Bertula wallacea sp.n.

Bertula wallacea
Figure 45
Figure 76
Figure 132

and possible 15mm. This species has bipectinate male antennae and a general forewing facies as in the phlegeusalis group. The male and female genitalia also indicate a relationship, but the new species is smaller, with wings darker, less tinged green, but perhaps with slight pale bluish irroration (all specimens are worn). The forewing postmedial is less oblique and more distinctly sinuous, the medial zone being wider. The reniform is obscure in the male but distinctly paler, B-shaped in the female. The male genitalia have the valves short, bifid as in phlegeusalis, except the bifurcation is shallower, the ventral part shorter than the tapering costal part and enclosing a distinctive, comb-like process. The aedeagus vesica is finely but densely scobinate over its central part. The female genitalia have a complex sterigma, consisting of an extensive but shallow, rather ovate pocket with an irregular, crinkled margin on each side of the ostium. The corpus bursae is large, pyriform, set obliquely to the ductus, and with two scobinate signa placed obliquely on one side of the distal part.

Holotype . BRUNEI: 1618m, Bukit Retak, montane forest, 14.9.1979 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen), BM noctuid slide 19744.

Taxonomic note. The male description is based on a specimen of similar size and facies from N. Sulawesi (slides 19743 and (foreleg) 20204), taken in lower montane forest in the Dumoga-Bone National Park during Project Wallace in 1985. A female specimen from Seram (slide 19810) and one from Ambon (slide 19842) have similar genitalia features to those of the holotype except the margins to the sterigma pockets are more regular, not crinkled, and the corpus bursae is much narrower. A male from Ambon (slide 19841) has genitalia, resembling those in the Sulawesi male.

Geographical range. Borneo; Sulawesi, Seram, Ambon.

Habitat preference. The specimens from Borneo and Sulawesi were taken in montane forest. That from Seram was from an area of abandoned cultivation and secondary forest at 600m. Those from Ambon had no precise data.

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