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Bertula subnigripuncta sp. n.

Bertula subnigripuncta
Figure 71

16mm. The labial palps are similar to those of pallidisca, but the hindwing margin is less produced, this angular production being more towards the tornus. The antennae are very slightly bipectinate, rather than fasciculate as in pallidisca. The wings are a uniform medium grey-brown, except for fine, but broken and irregular, mostly obscure, postmedial and submarginal fasciae and an oblique, somewhat ovate, dark-centred, pale reniform on the forewing. There is no pale patch at the hindwing angle, but there are dark chevrons at the margins of all the wings in the spaces. The underside is diagnostic, having the fasciae finely picked out in black or a medium buff-grey, the forewing postmedial curved, more strongly round the discal spot, and that of the hindwing, together with the weaker submarginal, undulating in a curve parallel to the margin. Both forewing and hindwing have conspicuous black reniform and orbicular stigmata, the former large, particularly on the hindwing where it is more elongate transversely and more rectangular. The genitalia are similar to those of rufithorax and pallidisca except the valves are less upcurved and are slightly cleft at the apex. The aedeagus is longer than in pallidisca, the vesica directed similarly dorsally, but with a narrower scobinate lobe immediately distally, and a smaller, more coarsely scobinate one at about two thirds on the distal margin.

Holotype ♂. SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 16, March, Long Pala, Base, 70m. 413461, alluv. / second. for., BM noctuid slide 19529.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only specimen is from disturbed lowland alluvial forest.

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