Walker comb. n. Bocana amphusalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 181.
Forcipivalva amphusalis
Figure 162Figure 170
Diagnosis. This species and the next are generally similar to Bocana manifestalis Walker (see p. 106) in size and facies, but are somewhat browner with more irregular postmedials and punctate white submarginals. The forewing discal spot never has a white centre. The male antennae are ciliate, some of the cilia being relatively long. The labial palps are upcurved, slender, the third segment tapering, acute.
Taxonomic note. The holotype male of amphusalis (OUMNH) is in poor condition, lacking most of its abdomen. The two taxa appear to be similarly variable in the development of the white elements of the submarginals, which can be absent, and in the definition of the fasciae on both surfaces of the wings. The association of the name amphusalis with this particular taxon is therefore tentative but pragmatic, given the match in male genitalia features between the Sumatra holotype and the Bornean male of melanostalus.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. Four specimens were taken in lowland alluvial and wet heath forest during the Mulu survey, the highest from 150m. All older material seen is also from the lowlands: Bidi and Kuching in Sarawak; 85 miles, (?upstream) from Pontianak in Kalimantan.