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Arthisma Moore

Type species: scissuralis Moore, Singapore.

Species of
Arthisma mostly have brick red forewings with the marginal fringes at least partially white. The fasciae are mostly darker and irregular, lunulate. The hindwings are a similar colour to the forewing but may differ slightly in tone and are more uniform; in males, the dorsum is partially separated as a narrow lobe at the margin. The male antennae are ciliate.

In the male abdomen, the eighth tergite is narrow, triangular, with a deep circular excavation in its anterior margin. The sternite is much broader, with a biangular anterior margin, and also tapers sharply posteriorly. It has a slight lacuna just distal of centrally. The genitalia have the scaphium markedly displaced up the uncus. The valves are very broad, with extreme coremata and in
rectilinea Roepke, a strap-like detachment from the ventral margin. The valves associate closely centrally and with the vinculum, the latter short, but deeply excavate. The juxta and anellus appear similar in structure to those of Lineopalpa. The aedeagus is similar to that of other members of the tribe.

In the female, the genitalia are very similar to those of
Savara, with a short sclerotised section in the long ductus bursae basal to the origin of the ductus seminalis. The corpus bursae contains two longitudinal scobinate bands, long in the type species, but shorter with slight bosses at each end in rectilinea Roepke.

The genus includes the two species described below, with the addition of
amisa Swinhoe from Savara. It is completed by A. pectinata Wileman & West (Philippines: Luzon), where the male antennae are bipectinate.

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