The Saroba group of genera
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Tropidtamba lepraota Hampson
Zethes lepraota Hampson, 1898, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 11: 458.
Tropitamba [sic.] lepraota Hampson; Holloway, 1976: 39.
Tamba grandis Turner, 1933, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., 57: 168.

Tropidtamba lepraota

. The distribution of pinkish, pale grey areas basally and marginally on the otherwise brown wings is distinctive; the basal grey area of the forewing is divided into two by an irregular, oblique brown band.

Geographical range. Sri Lanka, Assam, Thailand (VK), Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Seram, Australia and east to the Solomons.

Habitat preference. The species in infrequent in the lowlands but from a wide range of habitats including heath forest and cultivated areas. Single specimens have been recorded at 1000m on G. Mulu and at 1670m on Bukit Pagon.

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