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Pangrapta holophaea Hampson 
Pangrapta holophaea Hampson, 1926, Descr. Gen. Spec. Noctuinae, p. 569.


Pangrapta holophaea

. This and the next six species are a similar size and of similar general appearance, being a dark, somewhat violet brown with greenish tones to some of the fasciation. In holophaea and the next two species the fasciation of the hindwing postmedial to submarginal area is more diffuse and irregular and does not include a fine, distinctly linear component representing the postmedial that is closely associated with the submarginal. In all seven species the forewing postmedial is bluntly angled basad subcostally, but only in the final three species is it clearly doubled; the antemedial is also angled. The margins of the wings are slightly scalloped in the first trio of species, smoother in the following four.

Taxonomic note. This and the next two species are related to P. bicornuta Galsworthy (Hong Kong), sharing slender, apically incurved valves with relatively small saccular processes, and with robust cornuti on two of the aedeagus vesica diverticula.

Geographical range. Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is infrequent in forest from the lowlands to the lower montane zone at 1000m.

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