Miscellaneous Genera III
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Hypospila bolinoides Guenée
Hypospila bolinoides Guenée, 1852, Hist. Nat. Insectes, Spec. gén. Lépid. 7: 358.
Thermesia signipalpis Walker, 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 15: 1572.
Hypospila thermesina Guenée, 1863, in Maillard, Notes sur l’Ile de la Réunion, Lep: 53.
Moepa concisa Walker, 1865, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 33: 982.
Thermesia orientalis Leech, 1900, Trans. ent. Soc. London, 1900: 570.
Hypospila andamana Swinhoe, 1919, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 4: 124.
Hypospila bolinoides Guenée; Holloway, 1976: 38.

Hypospila bolinoides Hypospila bolinoides

Diagnosis. The facies is very similar to that of Tochara species, discussed next, but males of that genus have bipectinate antennae, and the labial palps of both sexes are almost twice as long with a conspicuous, slender terminal segment. The Tochara species are a paler, greener brown, have more variegation and spotting below, and have a diffuse but conspicuous black spot submarginally between M1 and M2 on the hindwing above.

Taxonomic note. Zilli (1999) suggested that there might be eastern and western species involved within the concept of bolinoides, varying in the extent of hyaline areas anteriorly on the male hindwing. These always include a zone within the cell with a slightly carinate section in the posterior half. However, material from mainland Asia (excluding Peninsular Malaysia), the Andamans and type material from Java has this extending almost to the margin beyond the cell between veins Rs and M1. However, the male genitalia, particularly the shape of the process on the valve, do not show significant differences from the west (Vietnam, Borneo, Java) to the east (New Guinea).

Geographical range. Indo-Australian tropics north to Japan and east to New Guinea, Queensland and the Carolines.

Habitat preference. Records have been infrequent from the lowlands up to 1930m.

Biology. The larva was described by Bell (MS). It is elongate with the prolegs on A4 reduced almost to half, and those on A3 even more so. The anal prolegs are splayed out behind. The head is black, marked with white and pink. The body is white below with a black central band. Above, it is a dull chocolate-brown, banded longitudinally dorsally and subdorsally with whitish lines that incorporate pink and purplish elements and blotched black on A4 and A5, with further lines and marbling below this. The setae arise from pale tubercles within black dots. Another larva was more dull greenish white, dorsally browner, suffused with grey.

The small larvae feed on very young leaves, dropping or jumping off when alarmed. Pupation is in a cell within a cut portion of leaf folded over, hinged at the midrib and sealed firmly at the edge. The interior is lined with silk. The pupa has a sparse powdery bloom that gives it a bluish tint.

The host plant is
Derris (Leguminosae).

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